Journal of Clinical Medicine Research, ISSN 1918-3003 print, 1918-3011 online, Open Access
Article copyright, the authors; Journal compilation copyright, J Clin Med Res and Elmer Press Inc
Journal website

Original Article

Volume 16, Number 5, May 2024, pages 220-231

Association of Small Airway Functional Indices With Respiratory Symptoms and Comorbidity in Asthmatics: A National Cross-Sectional Study


Figure 1.
Figure 1. Flowchart of the sample selection.


Table 1. Baseline Characteristics of Asthmatics Stratified by T2 Phenotype: NHANES 2007 - 2012
Baseline characteristicsAll (N = 2,420)T2 exposureP-valuea
Yes (n = 1,679)No (n = 741)
aP-value is identified by ANOVA test for continuous variables and Chi-square test for categorical variables and stratified by T2 and non-T2 exposure. ANOVA: analysis of variance; BEC: blood eosinophil count; BMI: body mass index; CI: confidence interval; NHANES: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey; FeNO: fractional exhaled nitric oxide.
Demographic characteristic
  Age, mean (95% CI), years33.5 (32.4, 34.6)34.0 (32.9, 35.2)32.3 (30.3, 34.2)0.0315
  Female sex, n (%)1,229 (54.3)782 (49.8)447 (64.4)< 0.0001
  BMI group, n (%)
    Underweight/normal1,110 (41.7)729 (38.8)381 (48.1)0.0180
    Overweight552 (25.6)397 (26.5)155 (23.6)
    Obesity758 (32.7)553 (34.7)205 (28.3)
  Ethnicity, n (%)
    Mexican American302 (6.6)202 (6.3)100 (7.3)0.1829
    Other Hispanic259 (5.6)187 (5.8)72 (5.1)
    Non-Hispanic White957 (66.4)672 (67.4)285 (64.2)
    Non-Hispanic Black683 (14.8)456 (13.8)227 (17.0)
    Other race219 (6.6)162 (6.7)57 (6.4)
  Poverty, n (%)
    0.0 - 1.0872 (24.6)574 (23.1)298 (28.1)0.0648
    1.1 - 3.0848 (32.6)598 (32.5)250 (32.7)
    > 3.0700 (42.8)507 (44.4)193 (39.2)
  Education, n (%)
    Less than 12th grade1,223 (36.7)847 (36.6)376 (36.8)0.9376
    High school/GED353 (16.3)242 (16.2)111 (16.4)
    Some college or AA533 (26.2)369 (25.9)164 (27.1)
    College or above311 (20.8)221 (21.3)90 (19.7)
Personal history
  Smoking exposure, n (%)
    No1,625 (62.1)1,110 (61.4)515 (63.7)0.4345
    Yes795 (37.9)569 (38.6)226 (36.3)
  Early-onset asthma, n (%)
    No729 (35.55)503 (36.0)226 (34.5)0.5379
    Yes1,691 (64.45)1,176 (64.0)515 (65.5)
  Family history of asthma, n (%)
    No1,310 (58.4)482 (62.5)828 (55.9)0.1997
    Yes1,110 (41.6)313 (37.5)797 (44.1)
Accessory examination
  BEC ≥ 150/µL, n (%)1,440 (59.0)1,440 (85.5)--
  FeNO ≥ 20 ppb, n (%)862 (38.8)862 (55.2)--
Clinical outcome
  Recurrent wheezing/whistling, n (%)458 (18.1)336 (19.4)122 (15.3)0.0588
  Severe wheezing/whistling, n (%)306 (15.1)297 (16.0)99 (13.2)0.1577
  Dry cough, n (%)219 (8.0)154 (8.5)65 (7.0)0.3447
  Hay fever, n (%)548 (28.6)359 (29.0)189 (28.0)0.6983


Table 2. Overview of Main Indices From Participants
IndiceaAll groups (N = 2,420)T2 exposure (n = 1,679)Non-T2 exposure (n = 741)P-valueb
aData are presented as mean (SD). bP-value was identified by ANOVA test for continuous variables and associated with T2 inflammation and non-T2 exposure. ANOVA: analysis of variance; FEF25-75: forced expiratory flow between 25% and 75% of forced vital capacity; FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 second; FEV3: forced expiratory volume in 3 seconds; FEV6: forced expiratory volume in 6 seconds; FVC: forced vital capacity; SD: standard deviation.
FEV1, L3.06 (0.98)3.08 (0.98)3.02 (0.99)0.1573
FEV1/FEV6, %81.0 (7.09)80.6 (7.03)81.9 (7.11)< 0.0001
FEV3, L3.64 (1.15)3.67 (1.15)3.56 (1.15)0.027
FEV3/FEV6, %95.9 (3.32)95.7 (3.14)96.3 (3.67)< 0.0001
FEF25-75, L/s2.89 (1.31)2.86 (1.27)2.97 (1.38)0.0572
FEF25-75/FVC, /s0.75 (0.28)0.74 (0.27)0.80 (0.28)< 0.0001


Table 3. Overview of CV for Unadjusted and Adjusted Indices
SubjectsCV, %Adjusted CVa, %P-valueb
aFEV1 and FEV3 are adjusted by FEV6, and FEF25-75 is adjusted by FVC. bP-value is identified by an asymptotic test between conventional and paired indices. CV: coefficient of variation; FEF25-75: forced expiratory flow between 25% and 75% of forced vital capacity; FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 second; FEV3: forced expiratory volume in 3 seconds; FEV6: forced expiratory volume in 6 seconds; FVC: forced vital capacity.
All groups
  FEV132.08.8< 0.0001
  FEV331.73.5< 0.0001
  FEF25-7545.136.67.89 × 10-19
T2 exposure
  FEV131.78.7< 0.0001
  FEV331.43.3< 0.0001
  FEF25-7544.536.78.80 × 10-12
Non-T2 exposure
  FEV132.88.76.97 × 10-202
  FEV332.33.8< 0.0001
  FEF25-7546.435.81.31 × 10-9


Table 4. Overview of aORs for Outcomes and Target Indices
Target indicesNSDRecurrent wheezingSevere attackDry coughHay fever
aORs are associated with per 1 SD unit increase in target indices. aModel is adjusted for age, gender, BMI group, ethnicity, smoking exposure. bModel is adjusted for age, gender, BMI group, education, smoking exposure, early-onset, family history. cModel is adjusted for age, gender, poverty, smoking exposure, early-onset. dModel is adjusted for age, ethnicity, poverty, education, early-onset. aOR: adjusted odds ratio; FEF25-75: forced expiratory flow between 25% and 75% of forced vital capacity; FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 second; FEV3: forced expiratory volume in 3 seconds; FEV6: forced expiratory volume in 6 seconds; FVC: forced vital capacity; SD: standard deviation.
All subjects2,420
  FEV1/FEV6, %7.090.76 (0.71, 0.81)< 0.00010.89 (0.81, 0.96)0.00490.90 (0.87, 0.92)< 0.00011.02 (0.87, 1.19)0.8300
  FEV3/FEV6, %3.320.73 (0.68, 0.78)< 0.00010.76 (0.62, 0.94)0.01250.80 (0.73, 0.87)< 0.00010.90 (0.80, 1.02)0.0885
  FEF25-75, L/s1.310.70 (0.65, 0.76)< 0.00010.67 (0.62, 0.73)0.00860.71 (0.60, 0.85)0.00010.93 (0.83, 1.04)0.1735
  FEF25-75/FVC, /s0.280.80 (0.74, 0.86)< 0.00010.94 (0.84, 1.04)0.21580.94 (0.87, 1.01)0.08730.99 (0.82, 1.19)0.8875
Subjects with FEV1/FVC ≥ 0.702,114
  FEV1/FEV6, %5.420.84 (0.75, 0.96)0.00720.85 (0.74, 0.97)0.01680.92 (0.85, 0.99)0.03260.99 (0.94, 1.03)0.5452
  FEV3/FEV6, %2.740.81 (0.76, 0.85)< 0.00010.81 (0.76, 0.85)< 0.00010.83 (0.77, 0.88)< 0.00010.86 (0.75, 0.99)0.0346
  FEF25-75, L/s1.220.76 (0.66, 0.87)0.00010.76 (0.71, 0.82)< 0.00010.66 (0.62, 0.72)< 0.00010.71 (0.59, 0.86)0.0003
  FEF25-75/FVC, /s0.240.90 (0.79, 1.02)0.09140.90 (0.79, 1.03)0.13140.95 (0.88, 1.02)0.15891.00 (0.89, 1.12)0.9888
Subjects with FEV1% predicted > 0.802,034
  FEV1/FEV6, %6.100.78 (0.73, 0.83)< 0.00010.78 (0.74, 0.83)< 0.00010.90 (0.84, 0.97)0.00490.94 (0.84, 1.06)0.3226
  FEV3/FEV6, %2.700.78 (0.71, 0.84)< 0.00010.78 (0.71, 0.86)< 0.00010.80 (0.67, 0.95)0.01250.79 (0.66, 0.94)0.0084
  FEF25-75, L/s1.240.76 (0.70, 0.81)< 0.00010.80 (0.77, 0.83)< 0.00010.69 (0.64, 0.74)<0.00010.73 (0.69, 0.77)< 0.0001
  FEF25-75/FVC, /s0.250.81 (0.75, 0.87)< 0.00010.81 (0.76, 0.87)< 0.00010.94 (0.85, 1.04)0.21580.95 (0.92, 0.99)0.0054


Table 5. aORs of Outcomes Stratified by T2 Exposure
OutcomeaORs in subjects for
T2 exposureNon-T2 exposure
aOR (95% CI)P-valueaOR (95% CI)P-value
aORs are associated with per 1 SD unit increase in target indices. aModel is adjusted for age, gender, BMI group, ethnicity, smoking exposure. bModel is adjusted for age, gender, BMI group, education, smoking exposure, early-onset, family history. cModel is adjusted for age, gender, poverty, smoking exposure, early-onset. dModel is adjusted for age, ethnicity, poverty, education, early-onset. aOR: adjusted odds ratio; CI: confidence interval; FEF25-75: forced expiratory flow between 25% and 75% of forced vital capacity; FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 second; FEV3: forced expiratory volume in 3 seconds; FEV6: forced expiratory volume in 6 seconds; FVC: forced vital capacity.
Recurrent wheezing/whistlinga
  FEV1/FEV60.75 (0.68, 0.84)< 0.00010.76 (0.65, 0.88)0.0004
  FEV3/FEV60.73 (0.70, 0.77)< 0.00010.72 (0.44, 1.17)0.1811
  FEF25-750.75 (0.68, 0.83)< 0.00010.70 (0.66, 0.74)< 0.0001
  FEF25-75/FVC0.81 (0.72, 0.90)0.00020.78 (0.72, 0.84)< 0.0001
Severe wheezing/whistlingb
  FEV1/FEV60.76 (0.63, 0.90)0.00211.12 (1.04, 1.21)0.0042
  FEV3/FEV60.70 (0.53, 0.91)0.00910.95 (0.83, 1.10)0.5142
  FEF25-750.57 (0.48, 0.68)< 0.00010.90 (0.80, 1.01)0.0818
  FEF25-75/FVC0.77 (0.62, 0.95)0.01381.14 (1.08, 1.22)< 0.0001
Dry coughc
  FEV1/FEV60.83 (0.76, 0.91)< 0.00011.08 (0.86, 1.36)0.4923
  FEV3/FEV60.78 (0.76, 0.80)< 0.00010.83 (0.74, 0.93)0.0012
  FEF25-750.71 (0.59, 0.86)0.00040.75 (0.72, 0.78)< 0.0001
  FEF25-75/FVC0.84 (0.76, 0.94)0.00221.22 (0.88, 1.69)0.2297
Hay feverd
  FEV1/FEV61.11 (0.89, 1.37)0.36270.85 (0.71, 1.03)0.0929
  FEV3/FEV61.02 (0.85, 1.23)0.83500.70 (0.55, 0.91)0.0070
  FEF25-750.95 (0.80, 1.12)0.52070.87 (0.73, 1.05)0.1429
  FEF25-75/FVC1.04 (0.84, 1.28)0.73900.90 (0.78, 1.05)0.1821


Table 6. Interactions Between Target Indices and T2 Exposure in the Risk of Outcome
Target indicesT2 exposureRecurrent wheezing/whistlingSevere wheezing/whistlingDry coughHay fever
RERI (95% CI)P-valueRERI (95% CI)P-valueRERI (95% CI)P-valueRERI (95% CI)P-value
*P < 0.05 for multiplicative scale. CI: confidence interval; FEF25-75: forced expiratory flow between 25% and 75% of forced vital capacity; FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 second; FEV3: forced expiratory volume in 3 seconds; FEV6: forced expiratory volume in 6 seconds; FVC: forced vital capacity; RERI: relative excess risk of interaction.
High (> 33th)No0.34 (0.09, 0.60)0.24970.43 (0.28, 0.57)7.71 × 10-90.18 (0.14, 0.21)< 0.0001-0.45 (-0.88, -0.03)0.0368
Low (≤ 33th)No
High (> 33th)No0.41 (0.28, 0.53)2.10 × 10-80.50 (0.29, 0.71)2.93 × 10-60.27 (0.10, 0.44)2.37 × 10-3-0.78 (-0.62, -0.07)0.0002
Low (≤ 33th)No
High (> 33th)No0.34 (0.21, 0.47)3.77 × 10-40.58 (0.39, 0.78)3.98 × 10-90.48 (-0.18, 1.14)< 0.0001*-0.05 (-0.64, 0.55)0.8780
Low (≤ 33th)No
High (> 33th)No0.42 (0.23, 0.62)6.21 × 10-30.41 (0.27, 0.56)1.07 × 10-80.30 (0.06, 0.54)0.0159-0.16 (-0.27, -0.04)0.0067
Low (≤ 33th)No