Journal of Clinical Medicine Research, ISSN 1918-3003 print, 1918-3011 online, Open Access
Article copyright, the authors; Journal compilation copyright, J Clin Med Res and Elmer Press Inc
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Original Article

Volume 16, Number 1, January 2024, pages 15-23

Intubation Time, Lung Mechanics and Outcome in COVID-19 Patients Suffering Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: A Single-Center Study


Figure 1.
Figure 1. Mortality differences in early vs. late intubation group of patients (a), differences in intubation timing (days) in survivors vs. non-survivors (b) and probability of survival between the two groups of patients (c).
Figure 2.
Figure 2. Patients’ mortality and time to intubation (a) and Kaplan-Meier curve for survival in early, late, and very late intubated patients (b).


Table 1. Differences Between Early and Late Intubated Patients
All patientsEarly intubation (≤ 2 days from hospital admission)Late intubation (> 2 days from hospital admission)P value
aStatistically significant differences between early and late intubated patients. SOFA: sequential organ failure assessment; BMI: body mass index; CPAP: continuous positive airway pressure; Ppl: plateau pressure; PEEP: positive end expiratory pressure; Compliancestat,rs: respiratory system static compliance; WBCs: white blood cells; CRP: C-reactive protein; LDH: lactate dehydrogenase; IQR: interquartile range.
Patients’ characteristics
  Number (%)19458 (29.9)136 (70.1)
  Age (years)65 (57 - 72)60 (52 - 69)67 (60 - 73)0.002a
  Gender male, n (%)129 (66.5)37 (63.8)93 (68)0.670
  SOFA, median (IQR)7 (7 - 9)6 (5 - 8)8 (6 - 9)0.002a
  BMI, median (IQR)28 (26 - 34)30 (26 - 35)28 (26 - 33)0.554
  PO2/FiO2 before intubation, median (IQR)90 (78 - 110)90 (77.7 - 115.7)90 (78 - 110)0.938
  PO2/FiO2 after intubation, median (IQR)120 (90 - 140)120 (90 - 140)110 (89 - 140)0.295
  CPAP use, n (%)164 (84.5)42 (72.4)122 (89.7)0.004a
  CPAP (days), median (IQR)3 (1 - 6)1 (0 - 2)4.5 (3 - 6)< 0.001a
Mechanical ventilation mechanics, median (IQR)
  Ppl (cm H2O)26 (24 - 28)26 (24 - 28)26 (24 - 28)0.104
  PEEP (cm H2O)12 (11 - 14)12.5 (12 - 14)12 (10 - 14)0.016a
  Compliancestat, rs (mL/cm H2O), day 137.5 (32 - 45)42 (35 - 49)36 (30 - 44)0.006a
  Compliancestat, rs (mL/cm H2O), day 635 (29 - 44)40 (33 - 45)33 (27 - 42)< 0.001a
  Compliancestat, rs (mL/cm H2O), day 1233 (26 - 41)37.5 (32.7 - 44)32 (25 - 41)< 0.001a
  Driving pressure (cm H2O)14 (12 - 16)13.5 (12 - 16)14 (12 - 16)0.081
Laboratory values, median (IQR)
  WBCs (absolute number/mm3)17,800 (14,000 - 21,832)16,000 (12,945 - 18,567)18,485 (14,892 - 22,975)0.004a
  D-dimmer (µg/L)2,569 (1,340 - 5,600)2,554 (1,370 - 5,450)2,650 (1,300 - 5,600)0.747
  CRP (mg/dL)9 (6 - 15)9 (5.2 - 13.2)8.9 (5.9 - 16)0.592
  Ferritin (ng/mL)1,790 (937 - 3,538)1,466 (935 - 2,905)1,900 (920 - 3,771)0.276
  LDH (U/L)502 (320 - 789)478 (320 - 683)533 (320 - 858)0.336
Comorbidities, n (%)
  Hypertension111 (57.2)31 (53.4)80 (58.8)0.528
  Heart failure28 (14.4)7 (12)21 (15.4)0.658
  Coronary artery disease34 (17.5)7 (12)27 (20)0.221
  Lung disease16 (8.2)3 (5.2)13 (9.6)0.401
  Kidney injury22 (11.3)3 (5.2)19 (14)0.09
  Diabetes53 (27.3)18 (31)35 (25.7)0.484
  Cancer10 (5.2)3 (5.2)7 (5.1)1.00
  Mortality n (%)124 (64)26 (44.8)98 (72)< 0.001a
  ICU LOS, median (IQR)13 (8 - 25)14.5 (8.7 - 27)12 (8 - 24.7)0.344
  Mechanical ventilation days, median (IQR)12 (6 - 23)12 (6 - 24)12 (6 - 22)0.992


Table 2. Predictors of Intensive Care Unit Mortality Based on Uni- and Multivariable Logistic Regression Model
VariableVital statusUnivariate regressionMultivariable regression
Non-survivorsSurvivorsOR (95% CI)P valueaOR (95% CI)P value
aFactors that were included in the multivariable regression. bFactor Independently associated with mortality in the multivariable regression. OR: odds ratio; CI: confidence interval; aOR: adjusted odds ratio; WBCs: white blood cells; CRP: C-reactive protein; IQR: interquartile range; SOFA: sequential organ failure assessment; BMI: body mass index; Ppl: plateau pressure; PEEP: positive end expiratory pressure; Compliance stat, rs: respiratory system static compliance; LDH: lactate dehydrogenase.
Age, mean (SD)69.5 (62 - 75)57 (46 - 64)1.12 (1.08 - 1.16)< 0.001a1.15 (1.08 - 1.23)< 0.001b
Gender (male)81 (65.3)48 (68.6)1.24 (0.66 - 2.33)0.340
BMI28 (26 - 33)28 (26 - 35)0.99 (0.96 - 1.02)0.497
SOFA score, median (IQR)8 (7 - 9)6 (5.0 - 6.5)2.28 (1.76 - 2.95)< 0.001a1.81 (1.27 - 2.58)< 0.001b
Group (early intubation), n (%)26 (21)32 (45.7)3.3 (3.00 - 3.30)< 0.001a
Time to intubation (days)7 (4 - 10)3 (2 - 7)1.17 (1.08 - 1.26)< 0.001a1.15 (1.05 - 1.27)0.004b
ICU LOS (days), median (IQR)12 (6.25 - 21.75)15 (10 - 17.7)0.98 (0.97 - 1.00)0.060
Mechanical ventilation days, median (IQR)10.5 (6 - 20)13 (7.75 - 25.25)0.99 (0.98 - 1.01)0.353
CPAP duration before intubation (days), median (IQR)4 (2 - 6)2 (1 - 4)1.26 (1.12 - 1.42)< 0.001a
Comorbidities, n (%)
  Hypertension84 (67.7)27 (38.6)3.3 (1.80 - 6.10)< 0.001a
  Heart failure24 (19.4)4 (5.7)3.9 (1.31 - 11.90)0.01a
  Coronary artery disease31 (25)3 (4.3)7.4 (2.18 - 25.36)< 0.001a
  Lung disease13 (10.5)3 (4.3)2.6 (0.72 - 9.50)0.17
  Kidney injury18 (14.5)4 (5.7)2.8 (0.91 - 8.64)0.97
  Diabetes36 (29)17 (24.3)1.2 (0.65 - 2.49)0.50
  Cancer9 (7.3)1 (1.4)5.4 (0.67 - 43.54)0.10
Clinical laboratory data
  PO2/FiO2 ratio before intubation, median (IQR)86 (77 - 110)100 (80 - 116)0.98 (0.97 - 0.99)0.022
  PO2/FiO2 ratio after intubation, median (IQR)95 (80 - 120)130 (115 - 150)0.98 (0.97 - 0.99)< 0.001a0.96 (0.94 - 0.98)0.001b
  Ppl (cm H2O), median (IQR)27 (25 - 28)25 (23 - 27)1.14 (1.04 - 1.25)0.004a
  PEEP (cm H2O), median (IQR)12 (10 - 14)12 (12 - 14)0.94 (0.80 - 1.10)0.487
  Compliancestat, rs (mL/cm H2O), day 1, median (IQR)34 (28 - 42)44 (37 - 52)0.92 (0.90 - 0.95)< 0.001a1.12 (1.02 - 1.22)0.012b
  Compliancestat, rs (mL/cm H2O), day 6, median (IQR)31 (25 - 38)42 (37 - 47)0.89 (0.86 - 0.93)< 0.001a
  Compliancestat, rs (mL/cm H2O), day 12, median (IQR)28 (22 - 35)42 (37 - 47)0.85 (0.81 - 0.89)< 0.001a1.14 (1.05 - 1.24)< 0.001b
  Driving pressure (cm H2O), median (IQR)14 (12 - 17)13 (12 - 15)1.18 (1.06 - 1.33)0.003a
  Lung CT severity, n (%)38 (60.3)11 (35.5)2.7 (1.13 - 6.74)0.03
  WBCs (absolute number/mm3), median (IQR)18,850 (15,687 - 23,367)15,900 (12,255 - 18,135)1.01 (1.00 - 1.02)< 0.001a1.00 (1.00 - 1.00)0.001b
  CRP (mg/dL), median (IQR)9 (6 - 17)8.36 (5 - 13)1.03 (0.99 - 1.07)0.066
  Ferritin (ng/mL), median (IQR)2,180 (1,107 - 3,700)1,300 (828 - 2,674)1.00 (1.00 - 1.00)0.101
  D-dimers (µg/L), median (IQR)2,340 (1,330 - 5,720)2,920 (1,375 - 5,407)1.00 (1.00 - 1.00)0.360
  LDH (U/L), median (IQR)533 (340 - 889)465 (277 - 656)1.00 (1.00 - 1.00)0.43