Figure 2. Subjects III-2 and III-4 (are siblings) showed the severe short stature (-4 SD), short-limbed dwarfism dysplasia but with no exostosis of subject III-4, next subject (sibling), whereas subject III-4 showed normal height, multiple exostosis, scoliosis but no mesomelia. Note multiple scars of previous operations to remove exostosis along the scapula and the upper posterior left humerus.

Figure 3. (a) AP pelvis radiograph of the proband showed the dysplastic epiphyses bilaterally and the broadening of the metaphyses secondary bilateral and symmetrical chondromatous changes. (b) X-ray of the forearm of the proband showed the multiple exostosis, bowing of the radius and ulna and the Madelung like deformity. (c) X-ray cervical spines of the proband showed the involvement of the cervical spines characterized with cauwliflower-like mass of exostosis along C2 (arrow). (d) AP radiograph of ulna of subject IV-12’s radius was short in relation to ulna. Ulnar and palmar slant of the radial articular surface and triangulation of the distal radial epiphyses were shown. The overall features were compatible with Leri-Weill dyschondrosteosis syndrome. (e) X-ray of the tibia and fibula of the father (III-2) showed the apparent shortening of the long bones and the multiple exostosis.