Figure 2. Photomicrographs of gallbladder sections: (a) Proliferation of the mucosal glandular structures inceptiving from the mucosa of gallbladder; (b) Hyperplasia of the smooth muscle cells among them (H&E stains; original magnifications, x40); (c) Aggregation of cystically dilated glandular structures surrounded by a hiperplasic smooth muscle tissu evaluate columnar without nuclear atypia in glandular epithelium. The glandular structures are lined by an unistratified epithelium at high magnification (H&E stain; original magnification, x100); (d) Immunohistochemical stains show the glandular columnar cells to be positive for cytokeratin-7 expression (original magnification, x200); (e) Immunohistochemical stains show the muscularis layer to be positive for alpha-smooth muscle actin expression ( original magnification, x100).